What do an airplane and a successful team have in common? Both need a great pilot, but that alone isn’t enough.
In a team, we need to enjoy what we do, feel a sense of belonging, and understand our contribution. Otherwise, success won’t come.
Yesterday, we held another Sinlei workshop from the Leadership Academy for Kearney. Thank you, Martin Kuca. We introduced the triangle of team dynamics. Its three sides?
1️⃣ Mission and vision of the team – without them, you don’t know where you’re going or why.
2️⃣ Diversity of talents – a well-composed group works wonders, especially when everyone knows their contribution to the whole.
3️⃣ Psychological safety – an environment where you’re not afraid to ask for help, make mistakes, or admit you don’t know something.
And what holds this triangle together? Excellent leadership, of course, because without a good pilot, you simply won’t reach the destination.
What’s your recipe for high-performing teams that people love to be a part of?