The Foundation of Success in Corporate Transformation: Recognizing Early Signals Beyond the Noise

In practice, this is referred to as a compelling reason for change (compelling event). Change always begins when things are still ‘good,’ and many people believe no change is needed. However, this is just the first step. Motivation to change must follow. Only through motivation can we learn the new skills we will need.

However, it still holds that this is only the rational side of things. Successful transformations occur both in the head and the heart. Trust in the agents of change, in my opinion, even precedes a compelling reason for change.

I believe that change happens BOLDLY – first, there is Trust, then Rational Understanding, followed by Identification with the Change, and Emotions in defense of the common cause.

We discussed experiences with corporate transformations at a leadership meeting at Kooperativa. Thanks a lot to Martin Diviš and Filip Král for the invitation! And for the excellent organization, thanks to Mirka Kotlasová and Jana Křenková.

How do YOU deal with CHANGE?