In my experience, 8 out of 10 people with resistance can be engaged. How?
A simple yet effective exercise called the “4 Doors,” which actively involves people in the process of change:
🚪 Door 1: What worked before the change and will still work afterward.
🚪 Door 2: What didn’t work before the change and won’t work afterward.
The first two doors help calm people and show that not everything is changing.
🚪 Door 3: What didn’t work before the change but will work afterward.
Here, people take on the role of co-creators, turning resistance into responsibility.
🚪 Door 4: What worked before the change but won’t work anymore.
After calming and collaboration, people often accept this change without major issues.
Last week, we discussed this topic during a keynote with ČEZ talents. This exercise not only calms but also involves people in finding solutions.
How do you address resistance to change?